Akamai is hiring a Senior ABM Specialist - Fully Remote!
Do you know someone passionate about ABM strategy? Akamai is hiring! We are now proud winners of an award-winning platform. This role is fully remote. If you're interested, or know someone who is, please take a look and apply here: Senior Account Based Marketing Specialist - Remote.
Looking for an ABM Manager w/ 6sense Experience
We're (feathr.co) are a new 6sense customer (thanks Latane!) We're now looking to hire an ABM Manager that has 6sense experience to both own our ABM campaigns, but also be a key part of the adoption team for 6sense. Anyone know of any stellar mid-level marketing managers that have experience w/ both ABM + 6sense AND would…
ABM for SMBs? You better believe it (BILL at Breakthrough)
I'm excited to be speaking at Breakthrough this year! @tucker.stoffers and I have a lot of cool examples of the ABM programs we've been running targeting SMB accounts. See you in Texas! 11/3/23 Follow up: The presentation can be found here.