OKRs for ABM

Saima Posts: 52 6senser
edited May 8 in General

Hello Hello! 👋

Today marks the start of our new Fiscal Year, so I've got OKRs on my mind.

When you shift your organization to an ABM motion it can be tough to know how to set up your OKRs/MBOs to properly measure yourself (or your team). Here are some recommendations to get you going in the right direction:

  1. Getting X% of ICP accounts to 6QA: Start small here - a reasonable percentage for your first quarter might be 10%-20%, but a long-term goal for a mature program could be more like 50%+. For our niche 1:1 or 1:few programs we aim for 95%+
  2. Reaching X% of ICP accounts: Go as big as you can here. Your intent based campaigns, and the curated journey you’re guiding your prospects on should aim to reach as many accounts as possible. For our Enterprise segment, we reached over 75% of our ICP in the last 6 months alone
  3. Engaging X% of ICP accounts: This is a great metric to measure your messaging. It’s one thing to measure Reach (which is often a correlation to good segmentation and a strong budget), but measuring Engagement means your marketing is resonating with your audience. Bravo!
  4. Omni-channel campaign coverage across all intent stages: With this OKR you’re measuring the fact that you have a marketing motion for all channels for all stages (awareness, consideration, decision, and purchase) which can help you spot potential blind spots in your plans.  

I love hearing what our customers are doing! Please chime into the comments to share how your team is measured.



  • charlotte.spangler
    charlotte.spangler Posts: 53 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited March 2023

    A few questions:

    How are you measuring these long term? (Beyond the 90 day limit in the 6sense reporting tool?

    How are you reporting on and measuring the last bullet?

  • Saima
    Saima Posts: 52 6senser

    Thanks for your questions @charlotte.spangler !

    For reach and engagement I tend to look at a <=90 day timeframe for recency - so we can adjust campaigns if needed. You can expand to a longer time range in a segment performance report by comparing “a range of months” to another range. I’ve looked at a 6 month analysis timeframe that way. For 6QA volume if I need to look longer term I leverage our CRM reporting, since we also flag 6QAs there - so I can see how many accounts 6QA'd over a year. I cover this as part of our dashboard reporting here and speak to it in the first 15 min of the video here.

    The last bullet is less of a number being reported out and is more about ensuring we have this in place and it is working well. We cover this in internal marketing meetings - we have our Tier 3 "always on" programmatic campaigns that we like to monitor and keep fresh. We look at typical campaign metrics for them (view through rates, engagement, reach) and generally refresh them quarterly.

  • Hey @Melissa Reich - I wanted to share this thread with Saima's perspective on creating OKRs, since we were recently talking about this during our weekly sync. Some of these might be a great introduction to ABM metrics at your org.

  • Saima
    Saima Posts: 52 6senser

    There have been some questions on HOW to report on these KPIs that came through offline, so I wanted to provide additional clarity around those. Please don't be shy to ask questions right here in RevCity! 😉

    For #1: We timestamp 6QAs in CRM so that allows us to report on which accounts are 6QAing each month. We also have ICP accounts flagged in CRM which allows us to report on % of ICP that 6QA'd in a given timeframe. If you pass segment names into CRM you can report on 6QAs by segment but to be honest we look at the metric at the ICP or Tier 1/2 level and don’t generally go down to individual segments.

    For #2 & #3: We leverage Segment Performance Reporting to look at % of accounts reached and engaged

  • Jen Leaver
    Jen Leaver Posts: 3 ✭✭✭

    @Saima For #1, how are you time stamping 6QAs in SFDC? I'm assuming these are custom fields that were created, so can you shed some light on how these are configured? Thanks!

  • Saima
    Saima Posts: 52 6senser

    Hi @Jen Leaver you can leverage the fields that 6sense provides:

    • 6QA Start Date
    • 6QA End Date
    • Days in 6QA

  • @Patti Thompson / @Eric Vennemeyer I was reviewing some of our RevCity content following our discussion earlier this week and with the New Year here and the extended roll out coming, I thought that these were some great OKRs and KPIs that we could zero in on together and use as a focus and success measures. Wanted to share as we continue to introduce the concept of 6sense/ABM to your org.

  • Hey @Sarah Cheeda thought this might be a relevant post to review as you think about OKRs and reporting in 6sense.

  • MCoats
    MCoats Posts: 6 6senser

    @cerijones - Thought this would be a great place to start when you are thinking about 1:1 ABM programs and how to measure success! Check out the links Saima shared in the comment section as well.

  • mattheinz
    mattheinz Posts: 6 ✭✭✭

    We have a weekly measure in our executive-level scorecard for ICP accounts engaged. Very simply it looks at the companies we have designated as tier-1 target accounts, and measures whether their decision makers were active in our content last week.

    We consider this a pre-lead engagement stage, and can see direct correlation between higher levels of ICP engagement and opportunity creation over the next 3-6 months.