New? Start Here

Heather Foeh
Heather Foeh Posts: 113 6senser
edited September 2023 in Welcome

Welcome to RevCity, where marketing, sales, and operations professionals can share ideas, crowdsource advice, and learn how to become Revenue AI masters.

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Here a few tips to help you get started:

  • The search bar is a great place kick off your visit. Look for keywords or phrases and see if there are any existing discussions that you can learn from or participate in before posting your own.
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  • Use the New Post button to start a fresh discussion. Give it a clear, concise name that will help others find it.
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  • Mention others. Let someone know you are talking about them by putting the @ symbol before their username. They’ll get notified when you do.
  • Bookmark a discussion to get notifications for new comments. You can edit notification settings from your profile.
  • Check out RevCity from your mobile phone. Just go to the URL in your browser - no need to download an app.

Most importantly, have a little fun while you're here too!