A special shoutout to all of our Marketing Ops friends
All of you play such a vital part in making our day-to-day possible, and for that, we are so grateful 💙 Sending you all the praise and thanks on your special day!!
To all of our other sales and marketing friends, we'd love to hear how these unsung heroes help make your world go round. Let's show our MOPs teammates some extra love today in the comments! 🌟
@Jennie Bolas I couldn't find Cook to tag him, but YAY Marketing Ops!!!
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@Rachel Zerilla - Thank you! I'll see if I can add him!
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@Sarah Wylie Can we resurrect this??
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@Hunter_Kincannon oh yes! Let's start a shoutout train:
@Sam jk has saved me multiple times this week. I've inherited a new program and he's kept everything in line and put us in a position to succeed. Thanks, Sam!
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@Jordan Rochester is a marketing ops champion here at CivicPlus!
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@Hunter_Kincannon YESSSSS!!!! Will start by giving our very own @julzjames a shoutout! A MOPs QUEEN and winner of a company-wide award as of this morning! 👑
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