What certifications does 6sense offer?
As of 2/26/24 we offer FOUR types of certifications: Fundamentals of Next-Gen Marketing This certification is focused on the strategies of Account Based Marketing (ABM) and is applicable to any marketer (or seller, for that matter!) It is based solely on the content of the book No Forms. No Spam. No Cold Calls. WHO can get…
Get Next-Gen Marketer Certified in 3 Easy Steps!
Sign up here to begin your Next Gen Marketer certification journey! You'll then: Order the book here Read the book No Forms. No Spam. No Cold Calls. (Revised & Updated) Complete the study guides: complementary workbook and worksheets Pass the certification test RESOURCES: Digital versions of the workbook and worksheets can…
How to integrate 6sense with Google Analytics
Curious about how to integrate 6sense with Google Analytics? Thanks to our friend Justin Dunham at Ercule, here is a step-by-step article on how to set up the integration and gain a more comprehensive outstanding of your website's performance and the behavior of specific accounts. ****UPDATE!***** The above article…