Want to get an email when new posts appear in RevCity?

Kimberly Conklin
Kimberly Conklin Posts: 407 6senser
edited September 2023 in Welcome

If you'd like to receive an email when a new post appears in RevCity, here's how!**

Discussions in RevCity are all attached to a "category" which we like to call Neighborhoods. Notifications are tied to these Neighborhoods, so start by going to a Neighborhood such as All Discussions or Product Updates or Breakthrough, etc.

At the top of the Neighborhood you'll see a bell icon. Click that to determine your notification settings. You can choose to see alerts only here in RevCity (by clicking the bell in the top navigation bar) or via email or both.

You can always see all of your current notification settings by clicking your profile circle in the upper right corner of RevCity and choosing Account & Privacy Settings, then Notification Preferences. (More tips on this are viewable here.)

**The other benefit of following a category is that it will appear in your Weekly Digest email!