The 2023 Buyer Experience Report is Now Live!

Do you know why buyers stay hidden for over 2/3 of their journey? We do.

Over the past several months, 6sense Research has been busy learning about the recent purchases of over 900 B2B buyers. Buyers across organizational levels, purchase roles, industries, company sizes, purchase types, deal sizes and more shared their experiences in the buying journey spanning subjects like,

  • Buying cycle length
  • Buying team size 
  • How many vendors they evaluate
  • How and when they interact with sellers
  • Activities they engage in (and don’t) throughout the buying process
  • How they decide on a winning vendor
  • How much time they spend researching the intended solution
  • How factors such as purchase cost, the type of purchase, the importance of the purchase and more, influence their buying processes

This research reaches a level of specificity unparalleled in the industry, down to the number of days added or subtracted from the buying journey when including or excluding a single vendor from the evaluation list.

We genuinely hope this report serves as an invaluable resource for your organizations, offering insights into the thought processes and actions of buyers in their pursuit of solutions—be it for acquiring new business capabilities, enhancing existing ones, replacing current solutions, or renewing previous purchases.

Secure your copy by following this link and don’t forget to share it with your communities!

