How to Log In to 6sense

Log In as an Organizational User 

Step 1: Go to

Step 2: In the unified login screen, enter your organization name in the field next to “”. For example, if your company’s name is Transpectral, type transpectral in the box. Click Continue

Note: The organization name is the one that also appears on the link that you received in the activation email.  

Step 3: If your organization has not set up single sign-on (SSO), you will be prompted to enter your email and password. Enter your credentials and click Log In.  

Note: The credentials are the ones that you set up in response to receiving your invitation email. If you can’t remember your password, click Forgot password? to reset your password. 

If SSO is set up for your organization, you will be redirected to your SSO provider to provide more details.  

Step 4: Once you authenticate, you are redirected to the 6sense platform. 

Log in as a Personal User

 Step 1: Go to

Step 2: In the unified login screen, click Log In to Your Personal Plan. If you do not yet have a personal plan account, click Sign Up to set up your account. 


Step 3: Enter your email and password (your credentials), and then click Log In.  

Note: The credentials are the ones that you set up in response to receiving your invitation email. If you can’t remember your password, click Forgot password? to reset your password. 


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