how can I sing in free

I Want to log on free 6sense which was Sintel before so haw can i log in in my company


  • Hi! Tagging @Pragati Prasad to help assist.

  • Hey @anam12345

    Thank You for reaching out to 6sense support. I am looking into the matter and will update you shortly.



  • anam12345
    anam12345 Posts: 2 ✭✭


  • Hi @anam12345

    Thank You for your patience!

    I wanted to inform you that Slintel has been deprecated. To continue accessing the service, you can now log in to the 6sense free plan.

    If you haven’t done so already, please sign up for the 6sense free plan here:
    6sense Free Plan Sign-Up

    You should have received a notification on your registered email address with more details on this change and instructions on how to sign up for the 6sense free plan.

    If you encounter any issues while signing up or have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out. We’re here to help!

    Thank You


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